New Mexico's Hub & Spoke Recycling Program

A forklift is loading a large blue container.

What is Hub & Spoke Recycling?

Successful recycling programs depend on efficient collection and basic processing of materials. In rural New Mexico, this is achieved through the hub and spoke model, which works by creating regional recycling processing centers within larger communities that serve as “hubs” and encourage smaller communities or “spokes” to deliver their recyclables to these hubs. Recycling hubs will invest in or solicit grants for capital equipment and infrastructure needed to create and store high-density bales of materials that remanufacturing markets require. Spoke communities will invest in or solicit grants for recycling collection trailers or containers. These mobile drop-off stations are easily transported to nearby recycling hubs. The hub and spoke system provides the most efficient means of gathering and processing recyclables from both a capital and operational cost perspective. Hub and spoke systems greatly reduce transportation requirements and increase the overall efficiency of program operations.

In a nutshell, Hub and Spoke provide:

  • Access to recycling
  • Replicable design
  • Overcomes rural transport issues
  • Consolidates marketable volumes
  • The hub is able to generate revenue to cover the cost of operation
  • Spokes are collection points that reduce tip fee costs and potentially hauling

Want Assistance for Your NM Community?

NMRC is happy to share all the resources, templates, designs and specifications developed under this project so that other communities, regions and states can use the materials to develop their own recycling "hubs and spokes".

Contact Sarah Pierpont at [email protected] or call (505) 603-0558.

A group of construction workers standing next to each other.