Featured Activities

Recycling in NM


Recycling & Compost Certification Courses
Expert Training for Recyclers in New Mexico

Continuing Education
Join the New Mexico Recycling Coalition for tours, training, and networking opportunities throughout the year and earn continuing education units (CEUs). NMRC partners with the New Mexico Environment Department: Solid Waste Bureau (NMED: SWB) to offer CEUs that can be used towards recertification as a recycling, compost, transfer station, and landfill-certified operator. Certified operators need to get 24 hours of CEU credits within three years. NMRC's trainings include tours and hands-on activities and are open to everyone, not just certified operators. Learn more and register to attend here.
2025 Trainings
The NM Recycling Coalition, in partnership with the NM Environment Department: Solid Waste Bureau, will host a total of four recycling and compost facility operator courses in 2025.
Recycling Facility Operator Certification Course
- March 4-6 in Santa Fe
- December 2-4 in Albuquerque
Compost Facility Operator Certification Course
- May 20-22 in Albuquerque
October 7-9 in Santa Fe

Leading New Mexico Onward
Since 1991, the New Mexico Recycling Coalition has served as a resource to provide recycling information to professionals in the field, as well as to the public. Our vision is to create a New Mexico where discarded materials are valued and managed as resources, not waste. We serve as recycling advocates, partnering with a diverse group of stakeholders, including communities, businesses, and grassroots activists, to help build sustainable and efficient recycling programs.